Cameron Douglas Sentenced To 4 1/2 Years In Prison For Drug Possession On Top Of The Five Already Serving
By Tony Franco Cameron Douglas the troubled 33-year-old member of the famous Hollywood family was sentenced to four-and-a-half more years in prison on Wednesday for drug possession while in prison. Born in Santa Barbara, California, the elder son of actor Michael Douglas and only child of Diandra Morrell Douglas (whom he divorced in 2000) and grandson of actor Kirk Douglas, got the sentence on top of the five years he is already serving. Cameron, once an aspiring actor, whose public addiction with methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine sent him previously to jail in 1999 and 2007, received the additional jail time, after his father Michael, wife Catherine Zeta-Jones and grandfather Kirk Douglas had sent in letters, requesting leniency, during his original sentencing. Cameron sent in a letter himself to Judge Richard Berman in New York, in which he wrote were that he felt saturated in his own shame and penitence and that his drug addiction had "robbed him of a life that