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Mostrando las entradas de agosto 26, 2018

Mexican Rodeo JARIPEO SIN FRONTERAS with PEPE AGUILAR and Christian Nodal this Saturday!

Nine-time Grammy winner Pepe Aguilar & his family along with special guest Christian Nodal bring JARIPEO SIN FRONTERAS to Anaheim, a revival of the legendary Aguilar family’s touring tradition of jaripeo, a music and equestrian extravaganza combined with rodeo. The Aguilar Family will not only revive the jaripeo, but also the musical fusion that Pepe has created and that makes it immediately recognizable; that is why Jaripeo Sin Fronteras will be an update of the tradition combining today's technology with traditional jaripeo. Jaripeo Sin Fronteras features performances by Pepe Aguilar, Leonardo and Angela Aguilar, Christian Nodal, 12 mariachis, 20 band musicians, 7 musicians, 15 horses and more than a dozen bulls and other livestock. One of the most spectacular shows of the year, joins Pepe Aguilar and family, along with Christian Nodal, to perform on September 1 at the Honda Center in Anaheim, CA.  WHEN:  Saturday, September 1, 2018 8:00 pm


This past Sunday at the Fashion Island Hotel of Newport Beach, YaoDun USA held a press conference that not only included information about its new coming projects and events, but also provided fine entertainment to all special guests and media. The attending public enjoyed a great Opera singer, Martial Arts exhibition, modern dancers and a fashion show. Great entertainment performances at YaoDun USA press conference Representatives of the Office of  Los Angeles County Supervisor, Orange County and Mayors of several California cities presented Achievement and Recognition Awards to the YaoDun China Chairman Mr. Yao Ming Wen and Ms. Sun Xiao Lei Chairwoman. Also present among others, were Director Adam Marino, DP Olesia Saveleva and Producer Anita Li.   Chairman Mr. Yao Ming Wen and Ms. Sun Xiao Lei Chairwoman of YaoDun receiving award YAODUN USA HISTORY YaoDun USA Holdings Group was established in California, USA in 2017. Its mission is to promote global environ