First lady Margarita Zavala, the Pope and the President of México, Felipe Calderón SILAO, Mexico — Pope Benedict XVI was greeted by Mexico’s president, Felipe Calderón, his wife, and thousands of Roman Catholics from all over Mexico, who came to show their love and admiration waving flags, and cheering after waiting for hours in the sun. The pope said he has come “as a pilgrim of faith, hope and love.” He also added “With this brief visit, I wish to greet all Mexicans and to include all the people of Latin America, represented here by many bishops.” The pope is expected to give an outdoor Mass on Sunday in Guanajuato, before traveling to Cuba, where he will head Monday for the second and final leg of his short journey to América. Catholics and mexicans in general, are worried and preocupied over the deaths of more than 50,000 people since Calderon´s government’s initiated a war against the drug cartels late in 2006 (a president term in México is for 6 years
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